Oh Spirits

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We may not know best what you’re looking for; but we ALWAYS offer you the best to try and find it!

OHSpirits, like many a great idea, was seeded over a few brews among friends. What started off as a search for a product that allowed one to rate, review and share views on the alcohol and other beverages of your choice, led us down the path to building one of our own. The founders of OHSpirits are, naturally, spirit enthusiasts (to say the least), as well as passionate individuals who come from all walks of life. Our love for the web and the technology that drives it was simply the next logical step to making our grand plans become a reality. Thus, combining our love for fine spirits and today’s easily accessible internet medium, we are proud to welcome you to the world OHSpirits!

We have a team that consists of dedicated individuals who come from all vocations – media, the arts, finance, law, technology, design etc. This little cocktail of talent results in a flavor that’s bold, enthusiastic and has just the right hint of spice to make you feel good.


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OHSpirits has great plans to fill a void in the digital space; we aim to bring knowledge sharing, social networking and a host of exciting tools and dynamic content to help you unlock the world of spirits and truly appreciate a good drink.

We are also in the process of building our own digital solution to connect people and groups from all over the globe to join us and collaborate on “Responsible Drinking”, to take the pain out of what should be an enjoyable part of your lifestyle. OHSpirits is a product of e-Ventures Elite Limited.

e-Ventures Elite (eVE) is a technology product and services company based out of Hong Kong. Born out of the vision of a few passionate technology enthusiasts, eVE strives to build unparalleled digital lifestyle products. It aims to be a global company in the next 24 months with a presence in the Americas, Europe, India, and Australia.

Other applications in the Travel, Nutrition, Pet Care, Finance and Digital Marketing spaces are at various stages of ideation and development.

For further information, ideas and opportunities to collaborate don’t hesitate to drop us a note at info@ohspirits.com

A hearty welcome to the OH Spirits family, dear reader and Cheers!